I'm still smiling because I haven't got in the FREEZING cold water yet!
Yep, I'm the one in the pink hat! Can you see me? After I started swimming I seriously thought I was going to have to call over one of the kayakers over to rescue me! About 1/3 of the way into the swim I finally got into a groove and did ok. I just wanted to get the heck out of that water!
After the swim, I was so dizzy....did not expect that. I took forever to get started on the bike because I could not keep my balance. This was at the very end of the bike ride...up another hill. I had no idea there could be so many hills in a course! :) I am NOT a good biker!
Oh yeah...I made it...and I wasn't even last. I was seriously worried about this. Turns out there are a lot of other beginners that do this race. Good deal. For about half of the run I ran next to a nice, slightly annoying lady that kept talking crazy to me the whole time. She kept saying things like "we can do this, we are women of steel, oh yeah, just run to that sign...ok, we're there, ok now we just need to run to ...etc...etc.
Brett, Martin, Angie, and Victoria were there to support me...they were good sports! Especially since it was Victoria's birthday.