Saturday, July 17, 2010

ARISE Youth Spectacular

Ok, I am retarted at blogging. My pictures downloaded in reverse order.
Anyway, we went the the Youth Specatular tonight at Weber State. It was amazing!! For those of you who don't know, it was a performance put on by 33 stakes, which included around 3,500 youth ages 14-18. Alexa was fortunate enough to be able to be in it. They have been practicing for 6 months. Just to see the number of youth participating was breathtaking! The number of hours put in by youth, leaders, etc is impossible to imagine. This is a once in a generation opportunity and it was great to be able to witness the end result!!

This was during the Finale...powerful, spiritual moment!

Again, during the finale

Our "Counsel"'s final number. There were about 10 stakes in each council. Each council performed for about 20 minutes.

This was my favorite part. It's impossible to do it justice, but the kids were all on the right dressed as angels. As they ran through the veil (where the flags are) they changed from angels in the pre-existence to people in colorful shirts running towards a large earth on the other side of the field.....see, I told you I couldn't do it justice :)

Another song during their perfomance.
Here are a few video clips...