I hate getting family pictures...that is probably why it took me 3 years to get the gumption to do one. And, of course, I hate my hair as usual :)
Thought I'd put a recent picture on of the kids. Sunday seems to be the only day we all have it together...even then sometimes it is questionable!
Alexa has changed the most...7th grade, braces, etc. She is hoping to get them off around May. She still loves the piano, but has liked learning the flute this year. She was on the NAL (national academic league) last fall and is now on the science olympiad team. She is a hard worker.
Anna gets her "first set" of braces off in March, then we wait until all the permanent teeth come in and get her second set...man are kids expensive...but worth it :). Anna is also taking piano, but does not love it. She tells me I am wasting my money...bless her little heart :). She also takes dance enjoys it.
Ellie takes dance as well and loves it. She is liking first grade. She is becoming a good little reader. He favorite thing to do is to get her nails painted.
Kamron gets to hang with mom most of the time. He goes to preschool 3 days a week. He loves to play games, cars, and read books. He finally is starting to like to write his letters and numbers. He has the cutest sense of humor and is constantly making our family laugh.