The Wasatch Back Race...Again!
Our team vehicle and name :)

...and ended in Park City Saturday about 1:30 pm

The Next Ragnar Race is in Vegas, so at the end of the race there was a promotional tent where we "gambled" for prizes. I'm glad I wasn't using real money, I was no good!

...and ended in Park City Saturday about 1:30 pm
The Next Ragnar Race is in Vegas, so at the end of the race there was a promotional tent where we "gambled" for prizes. I'm glad I wasn't using real money, I was no good!
Kamron turned 5 on June 25th! Soon he'll be off to kindergarten-crazy! I forgot to buy wrapping paper for his presents (leave it to the unorganized mom) so we used leftover Christmas wrapping paper turned inside out...he didn't care!

Next stop...Girls Camp with Alexa!! I loved girls camp when I was in young women's. It was just as much fun as a dorky leader :)
Ellie and Anna's Dance recital (yes, I had to come home from girls camp to go to it). They had fun and looked so cute!

Last, but not least, Ellie turned 7 years old today!! This must be why summer goes by to quickly! Two more birthdays, a couple of camp trips, and it will be back to school before we know it ! (sob, sob)

Last, but not least, Ellie turned 7 years old today!! This must be why summer goes by to quickly! Two more birthdays, a couple of camp trips, and it will be back to school before we know it ! (sob, sob)
Wow!!! You've been busy! Somehow I lost your blog from my blog list. No wonder I hadn't seen any posts from you in a long time! :) I can't believe how big your kids are all getting. And your baby going to kindergarten? Wow time flies!!! Hope to see you at the reunion on Saturday!!