Yes, it's another holiday dinner :) ...we enjoy those around here! I had all the kids pick 3 numbers out of a bowl. We then took turns according to number order picking the utensils/dishes that I had put in a large bowl. The idea was to pick something to eat with, something to eat off, and something to drink out of. Of couse I had picked out some fun items!
Anna ended up with a spatula to eat with, a corn on the cob "trough" to eat out of, and a large soup mug to drink out of.
Ellie got a large spatula to eat with, a small plate to eat on, and a dessert dish to drink out of.
Alexa had a plate to eat on, a ice cream scoop to eat with, and a ladle to drink out of

Kamron got a casserole dish to eat out of, and a serving bowl to drink out of
Kamron got a casserole dish to eat out of, and a serving bowl to drink out of
Some of us put our beans on the table because our dishes would not hold pasta and beans :)
Next on the list...
This was the night they were "put in office" :)
And Finally....